
7 Care Tips You Should Follow After Your Dental Implants Procedure

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Whether you are considering dental implants or have to book an appointment with an emergency dentist, it is important to know what you should expect afterward. Having dental implants involves a minor surgical procedure, and whilst you will be given a mild anaesthetic so that you feel no discomfort or pain, there are several important care tips you should follow after the procedure, to aid recovery and minimise any subsequent discomfort.

Do Not Touch The Surgical Wounds

Although this might seem obvious it is important for us to emphasise the need for you to avoid touching or disturbing any of the surgical wounds after you leave our surgery, and in the hours after you get home. Apart from no touching during these first few hours do not rinse your mouth or brush your teeth, and also resist the urge to spit if you feel you have excess saliva building up.

Activities To Avoid

In addition to not touching your wounds, there are some other activities that you should try to avoid. Eating hot food and drinks is one of them as this can cause pain and disturb wounds. Any food you eat should be soft and not require chewing. You should also refrain from taking part in any strenuous sports or activities, especially those which present a risk of someone or something coming into contact with your mouth.



Simple Changes That Will Reduce A Dental Practice’s Carbon Footprint

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Simple Changes That Will Reduce A Dental Practice’s Carbon Footprint

According to dentists, there is an increasing focus on how dental practices operate in terms of their green credentials. A number of dental processes like teeth whitening, the plastic wrap that covers materials, and types of equipment have been identified as being harmful to the environment and the move towards dentistry switching to greener alternative is well underway.

Where your dental practice might be on that journey, only you will know, but if you are keen to find out as many ways as possible to reduce your carbon footprint and subsequently reduce the harm you might be doing to the environment, there is no end of possibilities.

At one end of the scale, there are some,  such as replacing equipment that will obviously require a significant financial investment. Thankfully, there are also many at the other end which cost absolutely nothing other than a slight change of behaviours, not only from you and your staff but from your patients too.

Now we admit that when you read some of them, the word ‘Duh’ might enter your mind, given some are so obvious and simple. But, before you dismiss any of them ask yourself and ask if your dental practice truly does any of them 100% of the time.
