
Clean Currents Visits a Wind Farm!

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of visiting a wind farm with colleagues from Clean Currents. We visited Highland North Wind Farm in Cambria County, PA and boy was it cool! At Clean Currents, we sell two products. National Wind and Neighborhood Wind. All of our Neighborhood Wind comes from Highland North Wind Farm.

Our visit started at the farm’s headquarters where Brad, the site manager, gave us a rundown of his day-to-day overseeing the turbines and keeping things running smoothly. He’s armed with high-tech software that lets him adjust the turbines in real time and a team of engineers ready for dispatch at a moment’s notice. He even has an app on his phone that lets him shut off a turbine on the fly.

After we got a peek into a day in the life of Brad, we hopped in our cars and drove into the heart of the farm. Highland North has 30 wind turbines (not wind mills, as Brad pointed out — those grind flour) and these 30 turbines have blades that are over 300 feet in diameter (almost as long a football field). Together, these 30 turbines produce enough electricity to power approximately 18,000 homes each year.

Brad demonstrates the thermal imaging camera

Between getting our group picture taken with Brad’s thermal imaging camera and standing inside the base of a turbine, our group was overcome with excitement at what was around us. Turbines, swishing quietly in the wind, delivering clean energy to nearby homes and businesses: it’s so simple when you see it.

While the turbines are vulnerable to serious lightning strikes, daily wear and tear, or an unfortunate mouse nest built inside electrical equipment, thanks to Brad and his team, the turbines boast high performance numbers.

While the turbines are rated for 20 years, Brad’s hoping to get 25. A special thanks to Brad and his team for generating Neighborhood Wind for our Clean Currents customers. We had a blast visiting the farm.