
What Does 3,500 Mean to You?

Back in April, June 10th seemed forever away. Now, it’s just around the corner. Why are we obsessed with June 10th? Because it’s the last day to be part of Energize Responsibly, of course!

(Insert awesome flashback music here)

This spring, we launched Energize Responsibly: our initiative to motivate 1,000 people in the Baltimore area to pledge to ditch dirty air and support wind power at home.

Pledge-takers are entered to win:

  • A Specialized bike
  • A ChicoBag DayPacker filled with goodies
  • Charm City Run gift cards

Don’t worry! There’s still time to be part of Energize Responsibly and get a chance at these awesome prizes. Enter by taking the pledge to Energize Responsibly.

Know what you’re breathing

Beyond awesome prizes, air pollution is a bummer. The average person breathes 3,500 gallons of air each day. So, don’t you think it’s important to know what you’re breathing?

According to the American Lung Association’s 2013 State of the Air report, 43% of people still live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution. This puts people at risk for health problems ranging from asthma to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Some groups, including older, younger, and people with asthma and cardiovascular disease, are especially at risk.

The primary culprits of smog, ozone, and particulate pollution are emissions from coal power plant and cars. Although regulations are tighter on coal power plants, they are still among the largest contributors to air pollution and produce 84 known hazardous pollutants including arsenic and mercury along with carbon dioxide.

Do Something about it: Energize Responsibly

We don’t have to sit back and breathe that. Seriously! Take a moment to join our movement and pledge to Energize Responsibly. By taking this pledge, you’re showing your support for a renewable energy future. And that means less air pollution in those 3,500 gallons of air we breathe each day.

Oh, right. And there are awesome prizes. Don’t forget the awesome prizes.

Pledge before June 10th to be part of our 1,000 person movement. And, share with your friends to earn additional prize entries.

Unlike Game of Thrones, Summer is Coming. And with it, code red and code orange days. Join us, and ditch dirty air!