
Green Summer Travel Tips

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Who doesn’t love to travel light? Less of a load is always a welcome change. Reduce the load on your mind by traveling “light” and green! Here at Clean Currents, we came up with some great ways to minimize your impact on the planet while you enjoy your summer vacation.

1. Choose a local destination. Never been to that museum in the city? Or how about the beach only a train ride away? There are tons of local vacation destinations all over the U.S. and sure to be plenty in your state. Better yet, have a “staycation” and explore your own town! It’s a perfect chance to relax and enjoy the tourist sights in your area.

2. Travel Green. Avoid the stress and chaos of the airport AND cut your carbon emissions. Carpool or take public transportation to your vacation destination and once you get there! By finding a destination with public transportation, you can save money and emissions by avoiding renting a car. If there is no public transportation, rent a bike. It’s a great way to explore a new city and no need to find a parking spot!



I Heart CC

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For almost 4 years, I’ve been part of the Clean Currents team as we’ve worked hard to transform the relationship customers have with their electricity supplier. We want our customers to love their energy company. Based on some of our recent surveys, we’re doing pretty well on this front with both our business and individual customers. Getting positive comments from customers through emails, social media, and at events has been one of the most rewarding parts of my job.

Now that I’m getting ready to say goodbye to head back to school, I wanted to share some of the reasons why I LOVE Clean Currents.

1) We care.

The people that work for this company have a tremendous amount of passion. As a group, we care about climate change, the environment, our community and – of course – our customers. Our kitchen conversations are often about local volunteer opportunities, our awesome new CSA, the Stop Keystone rally over the weekend, or an interesting Grist article about sustainability or environmentalism. In terms of caring about customers, my coworkers will stay late to figure out the answer to a tricky customer question or work evenings and weeknights to attend an event for one of our business customers — and always with a smile.



(Em)powering Philadelphia

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There are thousands of mentoring programs in the country serving three million youths. Dozens of states and cities have launched mentoring programs, and many corporations have their own initiatives. If there is one thing that Americans seem to agree on, it is that millions of children need guidance from positive adult role models.

That’s why it was so easy to create Lots of Power, our new mentoring program in Philadelphia that addresses one of the city’s biggest problems–vacant lots. Our project will pair high-school age students with professional designers and architects to research and develop innovative concepts for specific vacant lots in Kensington.

During the six-week program, teen participants will work in teams with professional mentor to gain real-world experience using design thinking to discover and exhibit creative potential, communicate their ideas and take positive action in their communities.



How Clean Currents Wind Power Works

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Residents and businesses in Washington, DC, Maryland and Pennsylvania have the power to choose their electric supplier. If you pay your electricity bill, you can choose to support renewable energy every time you turn on your lights.

The Quick Answer

When you switch to Clean Currents, you will still receive one electric bill from your utility. However, Clean Currents will be responsible for the generation and transmission of your power. For all the electricity you use in your home or business, we purchase enough Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to match your electricity usage.



Purchasing Wind Power: It’s Like Buying Organic, but a bit Different

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It’s the summer — the season of fresh produce. So, what does that have to do with wind power? Because purchasing power impacts markets:  both farmers markets and energy markets.

When you want to buy organic strawberries at the grocery store, you select the ones with the green sticker from the organic section and bring them to the checkout.

You’ll pay a little extra for that organic produce, and part of your payment goes to the organic farmer who produced the strawberries.  In this transaction, it’s clear that your purchase supports the sustainable growing practices that organic farming represents.

Unfortunately, being a socially responsible energy consumer isn’t quite as simple. If it were, I have a feeling that we would be using much more renewable energy in the US, and that Clean Currents might already be a fortune 500 company.



These People Really Know How to Energize Responsibly

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This spring we’ve gone from Charm City Run’s birthday celebration to Tour Dem Parks, Hon! to ask you what makes you feel energized. We got some great answers ranging from hiking, biking and running to an office favorite of: “I’m on a trail deep in the woods; I can’t hear anything but the trees blowing”.

Hundreds of people have pledged to Energize Responsibly by ditching dirty power and supporting wind power at home. And, these three lucky pledge takers are taking home our grand prizes:

  • Katrina W. — Specialized Brand Bike
  • Bob B. — ChicoBag Day Pack filled with a Kleen Kanteen and Michele’s Granola
  • Paul L. — Charm City Run gift card



Melissa & Brian go Solar Thermal

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Melissa and Brian of Davidsonville, MD, recently installed a solar thermal system on their roof. They talk with us about why they chose to install a solar thermal system and gave us some tips on how to live a greener life.

Where did you first hear about Clean Currents’ solar water heating solutions?

We first read about Clean Currents in a local magazine called Nesting, and when we asked an environmentally-savvy friend about her solar water panels, she whole-heartedly recommended Clean Currents. Now we recommend Clean Currents.

Why did you choose to have a solar water heating system installed on your home?

We have a big house that, if we’re not careful, could take us down in energy costs. As a family of five we use a lot of hot water — for bathing, dishwashing, and clothes washing. Since we use well water, we essentially have free water. With the solar thermal system, we essentially have free hot water.



What Does 3,500 Mean to You?

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Back in April, June 10th seemed forever away. Now, it’s just around the corner. Why are we obsessed with June 10th? Because it’s the last day to be part of Energize Responsibly, of course!

(Insert awesome flashback music here)

This spring, we launched Energize Responsibly: our initiative to motivate 1,000 people in the Baltimore area to pledge to ditch dirty air and support wind power at home.

Pledge-takers are entered to win:

  • A Specialized bike
  • A ChicoBag DayPacker filled with goodies
  • Charm City Run gift cards

Don’t worry! There’s still time to be part of Energize Responsibly and get a chance at these awesome prizes. Enter by taking the pledge to Energize Responsibly.



We are Celebrating the 41st World Environment Day

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World Environment Day is back again! It’s a great reason to celebrate our world and participate in positive environmental action…but what exactly is it?

World Environment Day was first celebrated 41 years ago at the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. The conference began on June 5th, 1972, and is considered a breakthrough event in the development of international environmentalism. It opened up international dialogue on human interactions with the environment, which had not been addressed on the global scale before.

The conference helped build a framework for governments and international organizations to deal with environmental issues, current and future. Today, the UNEP uses June 5th to continue the tradition of education and discussion around international environmental problems. Each year there is a new theme and a new country acts as the official World Environment Day host.



A Conversation with Andy Shallal: Bringing a New Meaning to Community

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For those of you who have had the delight of dining at the famous Busboys & Poets, you’ve probably noticed the inspirational murals lining the walls. These beautiful pieces are the works of art of Andy Shallal, a well-known artist, activist, and founder of Busboys & Poets.

Andy has been in the restaurant business for years, but in 2005, he opened the first Busboys & Poets at 14th & V St, NW. These restaurants combine the elements of art, books, performance, culture, and good food under one roof. As Andy describes it, Busboys & Poets is, “a place where multiple layers of things are happening”.

The inspiration for Andy’s unique business model is rooted in his goal: to break-down barriers and create a holistic community in which the city’s ethnic, literary, arts, and international elements are combined. Andy’s heroic efforts speak to his influential role in redefining the DC community as a less segmented and segregated community.

Poetry — Andy’s personal favorite — serves as a great art form and a community builder that actively brings people together to foster this vision of community. Running about 20 poetry programs monthly, Busboys has been instrumental in inspiring a renaissance of poetry in the U Street area.
